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Brick Paver Basic Repair & Maintenance DVD Vol. 1


Maintenance and repair of your brick pavers will ultimately be required at some point, even with the best of conditions. In Basic Repair & Maintenance Volume 1, you'll find three segments featuring The Brick Paver Dr. demonstrating the basic steps of:


  1. maintaining your brick paver hardscape,

  2. performing localized brick paver repairs, and

  3. installing a new edge restraint.


After viewing this DVD, you will be able to maintain and repair your brick pavers yourself and avoid hiring contractors to perform the work. And, if you have any questions, you have access to The Brick Paver Dr.'s hotline to discuss the DVD or your personal brick paver project, regardless of your location.


This DVD makes a perfect gift for any homeowner with brick paver patios, walkways or steps. Order yours today!

Brick Paver "How To" DVD


Don't miss our new "how to" DVD: Basic Repair and Manitenance Volume 1, which will provide you with all the basics to perform your own brick paver maintenance & repairs. All step-by-step demonstrations are performed by The Brick Paver Dr. himself. Your purchase of this video provides you with a hotline to the knowledge & experience of The Brick Paver Dr. for only $34.95. 


In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact us for no-cost advice, assessments or quotes for your brick paver troubleshooting, maintenance, restoration project or franchise interest.

Our employees take personal pride in their final product and absolute customer satisfaction. If you're a brick paver specialist, and you're looking for a rewarding position with competitive pay, contact us to find out about current employment openings.



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MGIA Michigan Green Industry Association
ICPI Interocking Concrete Pavement Institue
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